happy birthday M S Bhavsar Sir

Happy birthday Sir. My poem to you wishing a happy and prosperous year ahead

The sweetness of the birthday
Which was once a year till today
Shall in future smile everyday
Showing the art of living you live today

Your vast experience
Which your heart feels in its presence
Will take you to a different world
Where only love and affection are in hold

Your smiles of yesterdays
Which each one holds till present days
Are sure to greet you today
Telling how important you were everyday

Life's varied colours 
Which like the rainbow patterns
Shall be showering constanly upon you
Showing how the life is thrilling and new

Moments of joy are the counts
Moments of success are its contents
Which I wish shall be innumerably happening
Is my wish for your infinte contented living

Happy birthday
Achyut kulkarni
Whatsapp 9424890064


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